hello darl!! 1st of ollzz. . bitch pliss dont trying attend my blog. . .ini blog aku skati aku la nak merepek ape pun. . kau xpuas haty pg ngis kat jiran sebelah umah kaw okeh. .
Im just a nice girl who living wit a regular lifestyle. I didnt dress cool enough and also didnt have money enough. hahaa. Im not that good friend but sumtym I can be a good listener. I tend to be SELFISH often becoz ME, MYSELF and I is the first I put onto. Jangan bagi orang pijak kepala !! YEAHH, I can get CRY, hurt and angry easily.. Im a PREDICTABLE person.. Sumtym I god but sumtym its opposite. I change a LOT after I finished my high school. I've learn how to be a BETTER person ! so I move on.. No longer as a loser girl who used to be insult by my 'BEST' friend who think their good enough!! Kinda so simple but it doesnt mean I ignore anything go in front of me,, it just me dat doesnt like to live my life wit lie like peps keep pretending doing. Ohh forgot. Im going 25for next year. Hmm, not dat older laa but seriously Im afraid of getting old !! and YESS ! I am SHOPAHOLIC .. love love love shopping. My life become hell if I not buy sumthing when I was at mall. Im crazy to MAKE UP!! is must for me. Its a magic oke. wel,, Im not that pretty without putting on make up. GEDIX ? yess i am. HELL yeahhh. NOW zaty need to grow up MATURELY. that zaty oke . .

Buddie [s]

Together 4 eva . .

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

10 July 2011

..:: FuyooOOOOOO !!

date : 10.07.2011
time : da petang da pun. . .(kira kira da nak masuk mgrib la)
location : Ampang!!

tetibe henphone berdering2.. lalu aku angkat. .  tetibe dgr *^^%$%$%^$%^#$%@#$$%@#$!#^*()*)(*(&^%^#$%@$%#%U^^*&*&*(&(^*&%^$%@#$!$@~@$@$%#$&^^*(&()*)_+()_&*(^&*%&^$ fuh!! sungguh2 mencarut. . . tp aku xpaham 1 haram pun. .sbb bkn aku dgr pun.  .aku boh lam beg.. buang karan je dgr. .  bkn dapat pekdah pun. .  hahahahahah. . . sabor sabor. .  bak kata pepatah jgn cuit owang law xnak kne jentik!! bler da kne at batang hidung taw pun erti marsh!! ko stat ckp aku taste babi la. . .xder maruah la. . .bf aku kaki pukul lah. . banyak lagi . ..  hah!! da ingat ape ko buat at aku?? aku kol ko?? GTH larr. .xder pekdah aku nak cari masalah nan ko. .aku da dapat aku punyer laar. . tp ko still nak talking shit sal aku. .ni blog aku skati la aku nak boh jadah per pun. . law ko brani sentuh aku. . .  cbe la. . . i see u in COURT!! serius shit bout THIS okeh!! aku da buat police report sal ugutan kome sefamily!!       
** alwayz with u sayang dot blogspot dot com **