hello darl!! 1st of ollzz. . bitch pliss dont trying attend my blog. . .ini blog aku skati aku la nak merepek ape pun. . kau xpuas haty pg ngis kat jiran sebelah umah kaw okeh. .
Im just a nice girl who living wit a regular lifestyle. I didnt dress cool enough and also didnt have money enough. hahaa. Im not that good friend but sumtym I can be a good listener. I tend to be SELFISH often becoz ME, MYSELF and I is the first I put onto. Jangan bagi orang pijak kepala !! YEAHH, I can get CRY, hurt and angry easily.. Im a PREDICTABLE person.. Sumtym I god but sumtym its opposite. I change a LOT after I finished my high school. I've learn how to be a BETTER person ! so I move on.. No longer as a loser girl who used to be insult by my 'BEST' friend who think their good enough!! Kinda so simple but it doesnt mean I ignore anything go in front of me,, it just me dat doesnt like to live my life wit lie like peps keep pretending doing. Ohh forgot. Im going 25for next year. Hmm, not dat older laa but seriously Im afraid of getting old !! and YESS ! I am SHOPAHOLIC .. love love love shopping. My life become hell if I not buy sumthing when I was at mall. Im crazy to MAKE UP!! is must for me. Its a magic oke. wel,, Im not that pretty without putting on make up. GEDIX ? yess i am. HELL yeahhh. NOW zaty need to grow up MATURELY. that zaty oke . .

Buddie [s]

Together 4 eva . .

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

16 December 2011

..:: Little Zatty is BACK ::..

sebelum pape, sile jawab dlu salam y tertera at atas tuh oke!

berdasarkan tajuk at atas tue kome mesti taw an ape entry aku untuk kali nie?? hehe. .setelah sekian lame cik zaty menghilangkan diri lagi menyepiikn diri di kampung y amat indah permai bersama adik2 y semakkan pale otak aku. . . kini, aku kembali manghapdet blog bintik2 ini . . rindu?? sungguh rindu kat cik bintik nieh. . 

aku sepi bukan ape aku bz,, bz nan aktiviti at umah. . .sbb, ibu xder kuar berkursus setiap mggu. ..so, kakak lah y harus mendidik adik2 supaya menjadi insan y mulia di muka bumi ini. . . xgitu?? 

kome nak taw ape y aku bz sangat?? meh aku explain sket. .  bz mengemas umah, bz memasak. . sampai adik2 ckp kakak mmg da bo kawen laa. . owh, sungguh terharu dengan pujian tersebut. .  maseh yea adik2..  
saya masak adik hadap sume sampai licin . .  warhhh. . . sedap lettew. . 

skunk makin bz nieh. .ngape?? tgu entry akan datang yer. . .

sekian. .

** alwayz with u sayang dot blogspot dot com **